Fifty-seven-year-old Wanda Dellon, a hairdresser, was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2018. This life-changing revelation brought her life to a screeching halt, but her youngest son’s love for her has changed her life completely.
Without him, she probably would not be here today to tell her story about the battle with kidney failure, and how the precious gift from her son has saved her life.
“I was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2018 because of hypertension,” she said. “My blood pressure was very high for years, so I was going to the Georgetown Public Hospital clinic, during which I was diagnosed with kidney failure.”
Initially, Wanda admitted, she did not understand the seriousness of her diagnosis. She knew that she was sick for a long time, but she did not think that she could become sicker than she already was.
She explained, “When I did diagnose with the kidney failure in 2018, I really didn’t know that it was so serious, but I was very sick.”
For some time, Wanda had been experiencing trouble with her kidney. “My feet were swelling and I was feeling so sick. And I went into the hospital, then is when I was diagnosed with kidney failure,” she said.
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